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Die Variety Book
Vol. 1: 1932-1944
1941-S MMS-002, Die 8 of 10
Home San Francisco MMS 1941-S MMS-002, Die 7 1941-S MMS-002, Die 9
Die Stages
Reported by: Timothy Wissert

Comments: FS-501. I need to see a specimen for new high magnification, color digital photos.
Stage B Photos
Wide view of Mintmark Die Crack from S of PLURIBUS to Wing Die Gouge between UA of QUARTER
Die Scratch between RT of QUARTER Die Crack across Bust Die Crack across Hair
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-0706 DMR-019 Stage A: EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B: Die chip in upper loop of mintmark – MDS
Die crack across hair and forehead – LMDS
Light die crack across bust
Stage C: LDS (unconfirmed)

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: [email protected]